2019 Awards Winners
Congratulations to all our winners for the 2019 Mental Health Matters Awards
our winners 2019

Eight Mental Health matters award winners have been announced for 2019. These individuals and organisations have worked to improve understanding, awareness, service provision and the general mental health of communities in NSW over the previous year.
This year’s incredible winners showcase the amazing work being done across New South Wales to create communities and connections that support people going through difficult times and enable everyone to have the best possible mental health.”
Elizabeth Priestley, WayAhead CEO
Mental Health Matters Youth Award
FLING Physical Theatre for “My Black Dog”
A performance and research project designed to support the mental health of young people in regional locations. The project involves the creation and presentation of a new live work exploring the fictional lives of regional teens and the adults around them such as parents, teachers and school counsellors.
Mental Health Matters Community Initiative Award
Jewish Suicide Prevention Strategy (JSPS), initiated and coordinated JewishCare NSW
The first and only Jewish specific suicide prevention strategy in Australia, the Jewish Suicide Prevention Strategy (JSPS) was developed in response to a number of people attempting and taking their own lives within the community.
Aboriginal Social and Emotional Wellbeing Award
Warranggal Dhiyan (Strong Families) program, Gunida Gunyah Aboriginal Corporation
The Warranggal Dhiyan (Strong Families) program is an intensive management and support package program for individuals and families who are in regular contact with the criminal justice system and may be at risk of becoming incarcerated.
Outstanding Achievement in Mental Health Promotion Award
Mission Australia, Connections Program – Reducing Loneliness in Far West NSW
Broken Hill
The Connections Program is an out-of-hours social connection program wholly staffed by Peer Support Workers with a lived experience of mental ill health. Access to out-of-hours services is a particular issue in the Broken Hill community, creating a reliance on emergency and crisis services.
Leadership Through Lived Experience Award
Katherine Gill, FND Australia Support Services
For decades, Kate has been using her lived experiences of services, and of slipping through sector gaps, to advocate for others in similar situations and improve system responses to the needs of people with complex and poorly understood mental illnesses.
WayAhead Workplaces Wellbeing Award
The Freelance Jungle
The Freelance Jungle began with a humble survey on freelance challenges and gatherings to bring people together. It has now grown to a brimming Facebook group, and face-to-face networking events in Sydney, Wollongong, Newcastle, Central Coast, Brisbane, Cairns, Melbourne and Adelaide.
NSW Mental Health Commissioner’s Award
Dr Jonathan Ho
Wagga Wagga
Dr Jonathan Ho is a GP based in Wagga Wagga who is passionate about helping people through trauma, the justice system, drug and alcohol addiction and mental ill-health.