Wayahead Public Talks
Explore Wayahead Public Talks, fostering understanding and breaking stigma in concise and enlightening sessions.
- November 5, 2019
2019 AGM and Stephanie Dartnall
Wayahead's 2019 Annual General Meeting Tuesday 26th November | 6pm Level 5, 80 William St Woolloomooloo This year we have special guest speaker Stephanie Dartnell. Stephanie Dartnall is a PhD candidate in the School of Psychology, Charles Sturt University and a registered psychologist (B Psych, M Psych [Foren], UNSW) with ten years’ experience working with [...]
- November 16, 2018
Targeting Bullying Behaviours
Bullying remains a societal problem with victims of bullying and people who instigate bullying often starting the behaviour from a young age. The behaviours learnt through bullying can affect the victim and instigator far beyond the individual instances when it occurs and if done over a sustained period of time, can lead to poor mental [...]
- October 25, 2018
The state of mental health in NSW – Hosted by Osher Günsberg
On the 17th October 2018, WayAhead held a Facebook Live event, chaired by media personality and mental health spokesperson Osher Günsberg, at the NSW Parliament to hear all about mental health in NSW. We were honoured to be joined by the NSW Minister for Mental Health Hon Tanya Davies, who spoke candidly about a difficult [...]
- September 3, 2018
Contemporary Perspectives on Cultural Diversity and Mental Health
During Mental Health Month the Collective Purpose Speaker Series discussed the intersection of cultural diversity and mental health. The session covered how diversity in cultures and backgrounds affect mental health related experiences and in turn how cultural diversity plays an important role for the recovery of someone experiencing mental ill health. Also discussed was what [...]
- May 25, 2018
Rural Suicide and its Prevention
On the 12th June, the Collective Purpose Speaker Series went to Orange to explore what a community-led approach to suicide prevention in regional and rural Australia could look like. This Speaker Series event featured the Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health’s recently released Rural Suicide and its Preventions position paper looking at medium and [...]
- February 15, 2018
After the marriage equality survey – what now for LGBTI mental health?
Throughout 2017, the LGBTIQ community had to endure public discussions about their lives and the value the community placed on their relationships. Sarah Lambert from ACON talks about how the mental health and wellness needs of the LGBTIQ community has not ended now that Australia has achieved marriage equality
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