WayAhead currently provides three information phone services to people based in, or near the borders of, NSW who are attempting to locate mental health support and services in their local area. Our phone lines are:
1300 794 991 - WayAhead Mental Health Information Line
provides information, telephone support and referral on issues relating to mental health generally
1300 794 992 - WayAhead Anxiety Disorders Information Line
focuses more specifically on anxiety disorders.
1300 554 660 - Carer Connection Helpline in NSW, supported by Mental Health Carers NSW
assists mental health carers in navigating the NSW mental health system.
Our operating hours are Monday to Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm but you can leave a message after hours.
Please note that we do not offer crisis telephone counselling.
For more information on who can help see our fact sheet.
If you need an interpreter you can call WayAhead through the Translating and Interpreting Service - 131 450