Wayahead supports Babana

Wayahead Supports Babana’s First Nations Mental Health and Wellbeing Day
On February 21st, Wayahead’s CEO Sharon Grocott and Information Service Program Lead Paul Leonard, along with Board member Jeremy Heathcote, participated in Babana’s First Nations Mental Health and Wellbeing Day at Paddington Uniting Church. Wayahead hosted an information stall with a range of educational resources available. This event, hosted by the impactful Aboriginal organisation Babana, aimed to destigmatise mental health.
The day featured a range of programs and services, including several workshops/yarning circles, all designed to build and empower local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and the wider community. The event’s charismatic MC, Babana Chairperson Mark Spinks, a highly respected community leader, maintained a positive and energetic atmosphere. Jeremy Heathcote’s participation was particularly significant, given his long history with Babana and his extensive experience in Indigenous community engagement, mental health, and cultural safety.
Babana is an organisation that works to build and empower local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men in the Redfern community of Sydney. Babana offers a range of programs and services, including a men’s group. Babana’s large-scale events are known for their culturally safe and trauma-informed approach, connecting participants with essential resources, service referrals, and opportunities to strengthen cultural and community bonds. The inclusive nature of the event welcomed community members, service providers, and anyone dedicated to improving Aboriginal health and wellbeing.
The event also benefited from the support of keynote speaker Hon Tanya Pibersek MP and Hon Allegra Spender, who both highlighted the importance of Babana’s work. The strong emphasis on cultural connection and community engagement was evident throughout the day.
Learn more at babana.org.au.
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