Letter from Liz – December 2018

Dear Readers,
Another year is coming to a close and what a year it has been for WayAhead. This issue of the Mind Reader will look back at just some of the highlights from the year and there have been many for us in 2018. We have had the biggest Mental Health Month yet; we have travelled around NSW, as well as interstate and overseas to meet consumers, carers, workplaces and sector peers face-to-face; we have continued to build on our presence and profile; and we have reached more people than ever before.
Late last month, we held our Annual General Meeting where many joined us to hear about our work, nominate as board members and hear from our partner across the border, Mental Illness Education ACT. It shows the level of interest that people have been taking in our work, the interest in being involved as members and board directors and the strength of the relationships we have been building over the course of this year and the many years preceding it.
There are so many who have supported WayAhead’s work and contributed to this year’s successes. Staff, volunteers and board members have worked with dedication and a commitment to innovation and continuous improvement of our work.
From all here at WayAhead, best wishes for the holidays and into the 2019.
Elizabeth Priestley
Read our 2018 Annual Report HERE
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