Each year, Mental Health Month is celebrated in NSW during the month of October, “Learn & Grow” was our theme in 2016 – though it is still relevant today. The aim of “Learn & Grow” is to encourage all of us, whether we have experienced mental illness or not, to learn and understand the importance of looking after our mental health and wellbeing.

According to the World Health Organisation, mental health is the state of wellbeing in which every person can cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and contribute to their community. Often, our views of mental health and mental illness is misguided. This can confuse us about what mental health really is and sadly, does not allow us to see its importance in our everyday lives.
Helping people learn more about their mental health can allow them to be more aware of their mental state and the wellbeing of others.
This can encourage people to seek or ask for help when things aren’t going well which is also an important part of self-growth.
This message is simple and very important: We should all learn about mental health, know about our thoughts, feelings and take action to improve our mental wellbeing. This will help us grow towards maintaining our mental health & wellbeing.
Learning about mental health is important for good health and wellbeing in our everyday lives. It also helps breakdown any shame around mental health. We are also encouraged to learn other new and exciting things because learning can have many positive outcomes for our wellbeing. Whether it’s learning at work, home or in everyday life all are essential for our mental growth and are enjoyable.
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This information is for educational purposes. As neither brochures nor websites can diagnose people it is always important to obtain professional advice and/or help when needed.
This information may be reproduced with an acknowledgement to WayAhead – Mental Health Association.
The Association encourages feedback and welcomes comments about the information provided.