CEO Report – Summer 17/18

Liz with Cecilia Rais, Collective Purpose HR Manager at the Collective Purpose end of year celebration.
Dear readers
The holiday season is now on us and hopefully you will have an opportunity to reflect on the past 12 months, the good and the not so good, and that the good memories will stay with you. Soon I will be thinking about 2018 and the excitement of new opportunities and experiences that come our way. We will be meeting those with renewed energy after a well-earned break.
While you are resting and reflecting, have a read of this edition of Mental Health Matters. There are some really interesting articles including celebrating Christmas and the summer months confident in who you are, summer seasonally affective disorder, self-care for parents with children who have autism, and an in-depth interview with Weave, our 2017 Mental Health Month Aboriginal Wellbeing Award winner.

Peter Trebilco
Sadly we finish 2017 with the loss of our life member and past board member Peter Trebilco. Peter served on our board from 1977 to 2014. He would have turned 90 on 15th December this year. Peter was a true gentleman, funny, and sometimes cantankerous. What was never in doubt was his commitment to a cause and to the organisations he donated his time to. He was loved and admired by many, me included. When I think of Peter, I have a smile on my face and I say thank you to him for giving me the pleasure of that.
To everyone, whatever makes you happy this Christmas, take time out to do it. Don’t put it off because no matter who you are you deserve to smile and be with the people that warm your heart.
Enjoy this edition of Mental Health Matters magazine and I look forward to connecting again in 2018.
Elizabeth Priestley
WayAhead CEO
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