
Wayahead Mental Health Association has been offering support, information, and education about mental health and wellbeing since 1932. You can be the reason that our vital work and support continues, by leaving a gift in your Will.

What kinds of gifts can you leave?

Your gift will make a profound difference to the lives of children and adults who struggle with mental health problems and disorders. It is a harsh reality that many people who could lead happy and productive lives are held back by disorders like depression, anxiety, bi-polar, schizophrenia, and obsessive compulsive disorder that can often be brought under control with the right supports and therapeutic interventions. See below for the types of gifts you can leave?


The remainder of your Estate after gifts to family and loved ones are disbursed.


A percentage of your inherited or owned real Estate property.


A specific amount of money gifted to the organisation .


A constant stream of identical cash flows with no end.

We are here to help

We understand that your first priority is to look after your family and loved ones. We also know that leaving a gift in your Will to an organisation like Wayahead is a significant way to demonstrate your caring and compassion for those who suffer from mental health problems and disorders. We suggest you share your intentions with your family so they can understand why this matters to you.

To help, we suggest you or your solicitor can use the wording below to ensure that your gift is used in a manner that will have the most impact at WayAhead:

I give ………………………..…(insert kind of gift here) to Mental Health Association NSW Ltd (“WAYAHEAD”) ACN 602 666 437 for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of the Secretary or Proper Officer of WAYAHEAD shall be an absolute discharge to my trustee who shall not be bound to see to the application of this gift.

Our promise to you

When considering leaving a gift in your Will to Wayahead, we promise to:

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