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Explore our directory of clinics specialising in anxiety care, ensuring tailored support for your mental well-being.

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Level 4, O’Brien Centre, 390 Victoria Street, Darlinghurst

02 8382 1400 | Referral required | All of NSW | Ages 18+ | Mon to Fri

Treats all anxiety disorders and depression. Assessment is Medicare bulk billed. Face to face treatment is free, access to online treatment requires a one off payment of $59.

Level 2, Building M02F, 94 Mallett Street, Camperdown

02 9114 4343   |   Referral required   |   All of NSW   |   Mon, Tues, Thurs

Treats all anxiety disorders. Priority is given to Sydney University students. $20 per session (or $10 if unemployed or a full-time student).

Level 8, Mathews Building, UNSW, Kensington

02 9385 3042   |  No referral required   |  All of NSW   |  Ages 2+   |  Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri

Treats all anxiety disorders plus depression, eating disorders, sleep difficulties, grief, stress, disruptive behaviours, oppositional behaviours and mood problems as well as offering social skills development. $40 for 50 minute session (or $20 for full-time UNSW students or holders of government-issued concession cards).

Level 8, Mathews Building, UNSW, Kensington

02 8627 3314   |  No referral required   |  All of NSW   |  Ages 18+

Treats PTSD and prolonged grief in the general public as well as a specialist PTSD program for emergency services workers. Programs are not appropriate for those with childhood or domestic violence related trauma. No fees.

Hospital Rd, Concord West

02 9736 2288  |   Referral required   |  Ages 5 – 18  |   Mon to Fri

Treats all anxiety disorders plus early psychosis, depression, school refusal and oppositional defiant behaviour. Inpatient unit accepts patients from all of NSW, outpatient unit accepts patients only from South Western Sydney LHD. No fees with Medicare card.

Level 1, 16 University Avenue, Macquarie Park

02 9850 8711  |   Referral required if claiming through Medicare  |   All of NSW   |  Ages 7+  |   Mon to Fri

Treats all anxiety disorders and PTSD which is wait listed. One hour sessions with a registered, clinical or senior psychologist cost $165, $205 or $225 respectively. Partial rebate for clients with a mental health care plan. Online programs are available Australia-wide. “Cool Kids” program (assessment and 10 sessions) costs $600 if in a group, or $730 individually.

Banks House, Claribel Street, Bankstown

02 9722 8992   |  No referral required  |   Only for residents of Bankstown area  |   Ages 16+   |  Mon to Thurs

Treats all anxiety disorders for free. Must be resident in one of the eligible suburbs located in the Bankstown area.

176 Hawkesbury Road, Westmead

02 8627 3314   |  No referral required   |  All of NSW   |  Ages 18+

Treats PTSD and prolonged grief in the general public as well as a specialist PTSD program for emergency services workers. Programs are not appropriate for those with childhood or domestic violence related trauma. No fees.

Gardeners Cottage, 5 Fleet Street, North Parramatta

02 9840 4095  |  No referral required   |  Western Sydney LHD   |  Ages 18+   |  Mon, Thurs, Fri

Treats all anxiety disorders with no fees. Located in Building 78 of the Cumberland Hospital campus.

Building BA, King St, WSU Campus, Kingswood

02 9852 5288   |  Referral required for assessment but not for therapy  |   All of NSW  |  Ages 5+

Treats all anxiety disorders plus depression and bipolar. Sessions cost $25 ($15 for concession card holders).

02 4734 3404 or email: |   No referral required  |  Nepean Blue Mountains LHD  |  Ages 18+

Treats all primary anxiety disorders excluding current self-harming behaviours/suicidal ideation, PTSD, personality disorders, psychotic symptoms or bipolar disorders, primary diagnosis within the Autism spectrum or ADHD, substance abuse/dependent.
Must be a resident of the Nepean Blue Mountains catchment area.

Building 22, UOW Campus, off of Northfields Avenue, Keiraville

02 4221 3747   |  No referral required   |  All of NSW   |  Mon to Fri

Treats all anxiety disorders as well as Asperger’s, ADHD, adult ADHD, anger management, depression, behavioural problems, sleep problems, stress management, chronic fatigue syndrome and self-esteem problems. One hour sessions cost $40 (or $25 for students and concession card holders). Operated by the University of Wollongong.

Science Laboratories Building, 10 Chittaway Road, Ourimbah

02 4348 4700  |   Referral for some services  |  Central Coast LHD  |  Mon, Tues

Treats all anxiety disorders. Costs vary depending on the service, however individual therapy sessions are $25 (or $15 for those on low incomes). “Kool Kids” course for 3 – 6 year olds costs $100, or $30 for the manual.

Behavioural Sciences Building, University Drive, Callaghan

02 4921 5075   |  Referral for some services  |  Hunter New England LHD   |  Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri

Treats all anxiety disorders as well as depression and stress. Costs vary depending on the service, however individual therapy sessions are $25 (or $15 for those on low incomes). “Kool Kids” course for 3 – 6 year olds costs $100, or $30 for the manual. Also offers parenting classes.

Building 39, Science Road, Acton

02 6125 0499  |  No referral required   |  ACT and surrounds  |  Mon to Fri

Treats all anxiety disorders as well as depression and stress. Sessions are $40 ($20 for children or with a concession card). Operates from February to May and from July to October.

110 Butler Street, Armidale

02 6773 2545   |  No referral required   |  Hunter New England LHD   |  Ages 3+   |  Mon to Fri

Treats all anxiety disorders plus grief, depression, ASD, bipolar, eating disorders, trauma and stress. Initial assessments and ongoing treatment sessions are $25 (or $15 with a Health card). Operates from mid-February to mid-December.

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