Discounts & Offers
Check out the information below for some fantastic discounts and special offers available exclusively for our Wayahead Sharespace members.
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The NSW Government has partnered with Transitioning Well to deliver free one-on-one mental health coaching programs to help [...]
One thing these past three years have reinforced is that health really DOES matter. Fostering a supportive wellness [...]
Destructive Leadership in the Workplace and its Consequences: Translating theory and research into evidence-based practice, published by Professor [...]
POTENTIAL+ offers a complete psychological capability program for organisations seeking a cost-effective way to scale training and development for [...]
This self-paced video training series by Healthy Minds is designed to up-skill executives, leaders, and managers of all levels, on psychosocial [...]
The Thriving Workplace Index is a mental health wellbeing benchmarking tool that reveals how mentally healthy your workplace is and [...]
The Orca Effect is a 7 week program that creates a confidential, respectful space, connecting professional working women who [...]
Leading researcher & principal consultant of The OPUS Centre for psychosocial Risk, Dr Tessa Bailey will lead you through [...]
Take the next step to improve employee wellbeing at your organisation! WHEREFIT is a fitness and wellbeing benefits [...]
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