Living Library
Living Library

Living Library

The Living Library connects communities through powerful, real-life stories.


Storytelling allows people to process their own experience and have control of it. Hearing and reading stories allows others to better understand the experiences of others. Real-life stories can be used for reflective discussions and learning.

Living Library are a way of helping communities hear about and learn from people they may not have met. Instead of borrowing a book, a story is borrowed through a speaker at a local library; the speaker becomes the ‘book’. The speaker is a representative of a group that experiences stigma and discrimination and appears in person to share their lived experiences.

To increase the reach and impact of these stories, videos and books have been produced. This allows people to listen, read the stories and share with others.


Living Library focuses on challenging stigma, stereotypes and prejudice and aims to build inclusion in the community

Living Library aims to:

Improve understanding of mental health and wellbeing and mental illness

Address the stigma and discrimination linked to mental illness

Explore the scope of recovery for people living a with mental illness

Explore the challenges of being a carer of someone with mental illness

Promote self-care

Normalize help-seeking





Conversation Starter

Conversation Starter

Reproduction of content

Reproduction of this work in whole or in part for inclusion in community and/or health-related programs is subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgement of the source. Not for reproduction for commercial usage or sale.


Reproduction of this work in whole or in part for inclusion in community and/or health-related programs is subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgement of the source. Not for reproduction for commercial usage or sale.


Reproduction of this work in whole or in part for inclusion in community and/or health-related programs is subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgement of the source. Not for reproduction for commercial usage or sale.

Further information

South Western Sydney Local Health District

Population Health Service

Mental Wellbeing Team

We advise that the Living Library resources contain images, voices or names of deceased persons in photographs, film audio, recordings or historical content