CEO Report – Winter 2017

Dear Readers
Welcome to the latest edition of Mental Health Matters. We have included a variety of articles that will touch your heart and others that will open your mind to new ways of communicating with others whether it be as a vlogger or a photographer. It is uplifting to read the stories of migrants and refugees who are happy to tell their stories of hardship and the friendship that has sustained them over time. This makes me think of the reports from the 2016 census that shows that Australia reached a tipping point in 2016 where only slightly more than half our residents had two Australian born parents and looking around the WayAhead office I see a cultural complement that reflects the make-up of the community we live in. It is an enriching experience to be part of it.
Right now it is a time for us to say goodbye to 2 people who have had a significant influence on WayAhead. Our long time Board Director and Chairperson Dr Nick O’Connor resigned from our board after 24 years as an active and supportive director. Nick has been elected to the board of the Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatry, a very prestigious appointment. He will be a valuable addition to the RANZCP and a loss to WayAhead but we thank him sincerely for all the time and expertise he contributed.

Nick O’Connor

John Feneley
Another loss is the resignation of John Feneley, Commissioner of the Mental Health Commission of NSW. John was the first ever Commissioner. He served for 5 years and has been a breath of fresh air in providing a vehicle for the consumer and carer voice to be heard. John has been a friend to WayAhead, as he has been to many mental health organisations, and we hope that the friendship will continue long past his term as Commissioner.
Please enjoy this edition of Mental Health Matters and remember, we welcome suggestions from our readers and we are also open to receiving articles that we will consider publishing.
Elizabeth Priestley
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