When someone you know goes missing

Elizabeth Priestley – CEO WayAhead
For a number of years WayAhead has been associated with the Families and Friends of Missing Persons Unit at the NSW Department of Justice through participation on their Interagency Forum Meeting. The unit is one of a kind in Australia and it researches, supports, counsels and works closely with people who are affected by the loss of a missing person. WayAhead sit on the committee with representatives from various organisations such as Australian Red Cross, Salvation Army, NSW Police, Federal Police and International Social Service Australia.
In Australia approximately 35,000 are reported missing each year. The majority are located within a short time but there remain 1600 long term missing people.
Who is at Risk
- young people under 18 years who account for over half of the missing persons’ reports;
- people experiencing mental health problems that may impact their problem solving abilities and
- older people with dementia or memory loss that wander and become lost.
Report someone missing immediately
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